With a number of faiths around the world honoring a time of religious observance right now, I humbly offer up one of the most beautiful stories I've come across, a book shared with me initially 25 years ago. 25 years! Wowza.
If your religion, spirituality, and/or life philosophy has a space and place for hope and transformation, then this ten-minute read is for you. It represents well my journey, and I have a hunch it will resonate with many of yours too. If so, I'd love to hear more. Reach on out at imagineeverythingyoucanimagine@gmail.com so we can connect.
It is too short of a read and too beautiful of a book to summarize, so I offer this post as an enthusiastic plea to make your next purchase and regular read Hope for the Flowers by Trina Paulus. Go to hopefortheflowers.com to buy it directly from the author. And, no! I don't make a penny off any purchases. It will be quite the day when I reach influencer status!
In hope & peace always,
